How to Clean a Conservatory Roof

conservatory roof cleaning

You’re very lucky if you have your own conservatory at your home. But, if you’re one of the lucky people who can enjoy a cup of coffee in your own conservatory, there are probably things that bother you. One of them should be exactly how to clean your conservatory roof and remove those dusty and…

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How to Clean uPVC Window Frames

window cleaning pvc frames by Fantastic Cleaners

As undemanding as they look UPVC window frames need to be properly maintained. There are different colour variations depending on the film they have been coated with, but the most common are the white frames. Cleaning white uPVC window frames can be a difficult task, because the accumulated dirt is more visible, which is why…

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How to Get Rid of Limescale

how to get rid of limescale

If you want a spotless, sparkling bathroom and kitchen, you must learn how to eliminate limescale buildup. In areas with a lot of water, these unsightly white marks tend to accumulate and can be difficult to remove, especially if you have hard water. Do you want to know how to remove limescale from taps, showers,…

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Annoying! How to Completely Descale a Kettle


A scaly kettle isn’t something everyone cares about when it comes to making tea or coffee in the morning. After all, most appliances have a filter, and very few whitish flakes end up in the cup of hot beverage, right? But what happens to your appliance’s performance over time if left unmaintained for long is…

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What Is Hot Water Extraction Cleaning?

Hot water extraction carpet cleaning

In a world of many uncertainties, we can probably all agree on one thing – that carpets and upholstery can get covered in stains rather quickly. And sure, technology has skyrocketed in recent years, with companies offering steam cleaning services, others – dry cleaning alternatives, and others still the even more technical-sounding technique, mandatory to…

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