How to Remove Limescale from Your Toilet


Ever since we, as a species, mastered the art of indoor plumbing, the humble lavatory has morphed from a place people go to do the unmentionable to a quiet refuge from the daily grind. No longer do we have to squat precariously over a hole in the floor or pay a visit to the perpetually cold outhouse, the glory of the porcelain bowl supports us during our best and worst times.

This is why it can be upsetting and slightly guilt-inducing when you are greeted with the sight of a colourfully stained toilet bowl upon lifting the seat. With this guide and a little bit of effort, you won’t have to be faced with such a sight and you won’t have to listen to the shrieks of horror and disgust when guests use your toilet.

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How to Clean a Cream Leather Sofa

Cream leather sofa

Leather sofas bring a note of elegance to your apartment. Both comfortable and luxurious, leather sofas last a lifetime with the proper treatment. In terms of pricing, they can be considered an expensive home furniture item, but their longevity makes the investment worth it. Therefore, in order to learn how to better use your sofa, you must first go back to the basics of cleaning it.

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How to Clean an Iron Plate with Toothpaste

best ways to clean iron plate

How do you clean a burnt iron plate? Rather than rushing to buy a new iron when faced with burnt-on marks and a sticky iron plate, consider giving your current one a thorough clean. With some inexpensive cleaning products and a bit of effort, you may be surprised at how much you can restore its…

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Help! How to Clean My Suede Sofa

mismatching pillows in a living room

Suede sofas add a timeless elegance to homes. They are nice to look at, comfortable, and fuzzy. They are also quite a large investment, which is why it can be so upsetting to either watch a stain being formed or find a dried food stain.

A lot of people assume that suede, and faux-suede, are difficult to clean due to their fuzziness, but this could not be further from the truth. In this article, we will show you how to protect your sofa and how to remove some common stains but, before that, it is good to understand what suede is.

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Get Your Own Comprehensive Office Cleaning Checklist – FREE Download

office cleaning checklist

No matter where your office is situated, be it near an industrial area or in a secluded building on the outskirts of your town, dust and dirt will always find their way into your work environment. Dust is everywhere, in- and outdoors. It’s inevitable, therefore regular office cleaning sessions must be in order. But.. where…

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