Can You Steam Clean a Leather Sofa?

Leather sofa deep cleaning

Sofas are usually the central pieces of a living room. This means they are constantly subjected to traffic, allowing dust and grime to easily accumulate over time. If neglected, the upholstered piece of furniture can suffer permanent damage and worst of all – you may need to invest in a new one. Proper and frequent…

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How Long Does a Sofa Last?

Man sitting on a sofa

It’s not uncommon for people to hold onto their beloved couches for decades, while others find themselves replacing them every few years. So, if you are wondering whether the time has come to part ways with your sofa, then this post can shed some light on the matter. Here, we will explore the average lifespan…

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Shrinking No More! Discover the Secrets of Washing Sofa Covers without Damage

How to wash living room sofa covers without shringing

If you want to refresh your home or anticipate guests, washing your sofa covers can make all the difference in creating a comfortable and inviting living space. From everyday wear and tear to more stubborn stains caused by food and drink spills, washing your sofa slipcovers is a crucial step in maintaining your furniture’s cleanliness…

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Easy Ways to Clean Sofa Cushions Like a Pro

Woman cleaning sofa cushions

Sofas are great for providing comfort, you can just lay down a bit and relax after a long day at work. The couch is considered to be the most used piece of furniture, easily accumulating lots of dust, hair and stains over time. Sofa cushions (just like the sofa itself) are also susceptible to dirt,…

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10 Practical Spring Cleaning Tips You Can’t Miss

Spring cleaning basket with cleaning equipment

Spring is when every aspect of our surroundings awakens after the long cold winter months. We will not write about the blossoms of greenery, but we will share some tips on some not-so-pleasant chores we must do in early spring.  Spring cleaning is equivalent to a deep cleaning of your property which most of us…

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